
Prayer Letter

anyone who would like one but not received one, please email me at gofishyfishy(at)gmail.com


I had an opportunity to share at Brampton Chinese Baptist Church - my home and raising church. It went ok, but there's so much more that I want to share with them. I really hope to be able to share effectively with my brothers and sisters here. I have many people to thank for their support in advising, proof-reading, instructing, etc. I thought it could have gone better it more prepared and perhaps had more down time to figure out how to clearly articulate the message God has to the church.

3 goals for the trip
1. Personal: to learn what it means to be poor in Spirit (Matthew 5:3) --> that His work might be done on earth as it is in Heaven -- is this interpretation correct?
2. Professional: to learn how healthcare system works and participate in air quality research
3. Member of the body: to learn what it means to be part of God's body (implied global in nature) - in that also being cognisant of other parts of the body (i.e. the rejoicing and suffering of the Nepali church)

Along the way, I will be consistently studying the Bible, working in the hospital, with researchers and fellowshipping with members of the body. I will also be formally sharing with the Nepali church there. Please pray fro acute sensitivity to the spirit for the message to share with them.


Prayer update

Thanking God again for the prayer support of brothers and sisters.

My pastor at BCBC hosted a touching time of prayer and dedication of the excusion into the Hands of Him above. I'm so grateful to have the support of praying brothers and sisters!

Here are a couple of prayer items:
1. Creation: stability of the Nepali government as it continues to change (only last year was Nepal's declaration of being the only declared Hindu Kingdom removed)
2. Church: Grace Church has a need for vision, Bible school, church activities, building expansion, financial provision, expansion, resources. Pastor Thomas Rai is the resident pastor there. He will be travelling to west Nepal to minister to people in rural areas from May 05-10. Pray for safe passage and bold proclamation of the gospel. http://www.grace-christian-church-ministry-of-nepal.com/
3. Church: local.. I'll be sharing at Brampton Chinese Baptist Church April 29, 2007. Pray for the clarity of God's message being made known.
3. Me: Getting there: Immigration (I'll be bringing medical supplies and equipment, obtaining a visa, finding a suitable guest house to stay)
4. Me: Living there: Transition to life there:
- Physical: health
- Spiritual: Sensitivity to the spirit – continuous prayer
- Practical: Being a blessing to people there whether @ work (government/hospital), church, fellow humans
- Emotional: Relationship w/ Lue & family


Medical Supplies Update

The generousity of concerned healthcare workers in Toronto is amazing. Within 1 day of an email plea for equipment donation, we've been able to secure 2 contacts with many essential medical supplies.

e.g. endotracheal tubes. These are used for helping patients secure or protect their airway to ensure that their airways are open to obtain adequate oxygen to their lungs. Commonly used in surgery while in North America, these tubes are in huge demand in Nepal. In North America, these tubes are for 'single patient use only'. In contrast, these tubes are reused in patients at hospital sites were they have mechanical ventilators that can use this technology. Needless to say, the people in Nepal will be happy to receive another batch of even expired medical equipment.



For all those people diligently praying for the visa:

I got a call from the Honorary Nepalese Consulate Dr. Kunjar M Sharma this morning right after my exam. He called in response to my inquiry about a visa.
notes from the conversation:
- Monsoon season will hit hard mid-June --> mid-sept easpecially in the south eastern part of the country. - I absolutely detest rain, but I guess I'll have to learn to deal with it. Afterall, it is a blessing - must change attitude to be open to see what He's doing.
- make sure you eat cooked stuff
- drink beer, tea, or double filtered water
- Visa applications will be distrbuted on the plane,
-->they go for $30 USD. make sure you have exact change or else they might say, oh sorry, we only have a $5bill for your $50 bill. but generally ppl are really nice/friendly there
-->make sur eyou bring a passport photo so you don't have to stand in line
- dress code is loosefitting pants (jeans will do)
- to blend in a bit more you can purchase a traditional nepali dress (tight pants/long button shirt and jacket and a hat for a good price) it'll take 3 days to make

update from a Brampton fieldworker + prayer request

Hello Brothers and Sisters

Apologies for the impersonal nature of this email. But I have been charged with the need to update the rest of the body with what's going on in this part. In particular what I believe that God has in store for me this summer. I don't claim to be 100% certain, but I would like to share and hear your thoughts too. Thank you for yours those given me tips and advice already.

I've been trying to understand more about the global church. I was touched greatly by a speaker at the Urbana 06 conference who encouraged North American parts of the body to embrace other parts from across the globe with a teachable mind and heart. I could go on for ages, but I feel that we have a lot to learn - especially from the poor. A friend once shared of the encouragement they gained from reading the Bible from the perspective of the poor. Perhaps in our state of brokenness and hopelessness, the message of the gospel becomes even more brilliant. But really, are we better off than the homeless child in a 3rd world country? Physically, yes; but spiritually? I hope live more chronically as one poor in spirit. A tangible way would be to live  amongst the poor.

I'm attending Brampton Chinese Baptist Church (BCBC). We're a church in Brampton, but hoping to be more intimately invovled with our immediate neighbours within the next 5 years. This is the church body that I am goign to be a part of at least if not longer. Through studies on what the church is, I'm also convicted that whatever God chooses to do through me intimately affects the other members of the local body (ie. BCBC) Whatever I do must be shared by the body. There is a strong Hindu, Sihk and Muslim presence in this area and I hope to learn more about these religions in order to be more culturally relevant to these neighbours. I have gained much in speaking with people, but wish to discover more.

personal note:
As you all know, didatic teaching is the bain of my existence. I find it extremely difficult to learn in the classroom. This last set of exams that I begin to write tomorrow will hopefully be the last set as a full-time student. (I do hope to do more school, but on the side and not full-time).

Summer Plan:
I am hoping to travel to Nepal from May 03-July 26 this summer as a volunteer and by osmosis soak up how people live there. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world with well over 40% of the people living below the poverity line. It is also the only declared Hindu kingdom in the world. Hindu shrines and Buddhist Stupas are plentiful with even the change to visit a monastary. During my stay in Kathmandu (captial city), I'll be attending Grace Community Church (contact available from http://across.co.nz/NepalChurches.html). I hope to be sharing with them as well. So if you would like to send a picture and description of your local church in Canada, I will try to share this with the body in Nepal. While there, I hope to live organically as possible getting to live as the locals do while realizing an exhaustive list of limitations.

I have made contact with a government worker and have received an offer to being work on several air quality research projects should I choose to go there. As well, I am currently waiting to hear back from the Kanti Children's Hospital - the only public pediatric hospital in the country. I hope to be doing a 6 week rotation there. I have also be in touch with several registered volunteer organizations that will readily accept any medical equipment donations. Toward the end of my stay, I hope to learn more about the healthcare system in rural areas by volunteering with one of the many grassroots volunteer organizations.

There are many guest houses in Nepal that offer shelter and food. I hope to find a suitable host family to break bread with while in Nepal. Since opening its doors to the tourists in the 1960's Visas are easily obtained at the airport. Many mountain trekkers that come to take advantage of the tallest mountain range in the world - the Mialayas at well above 25,000 ft.

I have also registered by travel plans with the Canadian government (Consular Affiars) and will touch base with them on arrival in Kathmandu. A classmate will join me at the end of May.

Since there will be internet connections in the city, I'll be posting written reports to http://www.gofishyfishy-nepal.blogspot.com/

Upon return, I hope to share more formally with you (the body in the Toronto area) of God's work in Nepal.

I'm somewhat anxious at this point in life (if you could please pray for me, that would be most appreciated (Philippians 4:6) If you would like to support me through prayer this summer, please email me back and I will continue to update you with specific prayer items via email.

Immediate prayer items:
-.Focus to study efficiently for exams (Ecclesiastes 9:10, I Thess 4:11-12)
- stand victoriously in the Lord - be not swayed by temptations of doubt and fear (Ephesians 6:10-11) daily confirmation that this is what He requires of me.
- acute awareness of the spiritual battle at hand (Ephesians 6:12)
- spiritual preparation: increasing faith to accept and handle what is being given to me.
- physical preparation: health
- logistical preparation: flight, volunteer placements
--> I have received confirmation from the government to work on an ongoing air quality research project
--> I'm hoping to do a self-case study on air quality and lung function. There is much work after exams in preparation for this study. If this works out I hope to gain school credit for this too
--> I'm still awaiting confirmation of an opening at the Kanti Children's Hospital. Although it should be fine to just show up, I would like some confirmation.
- sharing preparation: pre-exposure sharing with the church on Sunday, April 29, 2007 (tentatively)

- attitude preparation: continued growth in knowing who Jesus is as I become more broken before him. may I be more convicted of what He wants of me this summer and strength to follow
- cutlure preparation: Given that it is a predominantly Hindu country, Satan will be at work just as He is in Brampton, but in a different way. Pray that I be suited with the full armour of God to combat the Devil's schemes with Scripture (Ephesians 6)
- Know Truth and be able to live it in such a way that others might know (I Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Thank you kindly for reading through this lyrical diarrhea. If you would kindly consider whether or noYou are on this list because of your valued siblingship. If you would like to continue getting prayer updates, please respond to this email.
 I hope to hear you! May you have a blessed week!

In the race,
Hebrews 12


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body of the message here