

I had to walk to Patan to see an uncle and his wife.. really good people. got to walk back home with one of their employees. It was great to share testimonies. He said he was really encouraged to talk with someone - I'm not sure who was more encouraged. His family came to know Christ after he was miraculously healed of a paralyzed leg at 8. We ended up stopping for a coke along the 2hr hike home. there was a strike today so not cars on the road which was a HUGE blessing! could finally breathe and take my time walking slowly. I don't know who was more encouraged, him or I? But does that matter, but that God is praised and glorified?

then by God's planning. i met Babukazi whom I haven't seen since the village trip. He told warned me that if i wandered too far in the direction i was going that there was no sideroad to take me home and that it'd be a long walk. He offered to come back on his bike and drive me home, but i decided to walk. I think his mom was with him. Today was most encouraging. I feel much encouragement speaking to other Christians.

In Thamel I exchanged for some more Rupees, it's really bad now @ 63Rs to the dollar. The guy gave me a better deal then even rounded up. He them commented on my bic pen and how great it was, he asked for it. I told him sure after I got his name. People here are more than willing to give yuo their name, cell, email without prompting. also met some other store owner and hopefully will be seeing his factory sometime in the following week when he goes out there.

(Above) Delivry room where over 100 birthday happen annually. This wa taken at Primary Health care and resrrouce centre where the 2 boxes of medical suppleis were greatly received. (PHCRC)

(Above) Dilli was the brother whom I met yesterday, very encouraging talk on the 1.5 hr walk home. there was a strike yesterday complete w/ tire burnings and little kids participating in making sure that not one w/ cars went thru unless they were UN or ambulance or press.

(Above) On village visit

(Above) Picnic in Nepal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erich !
Very beautiful writing
I enjoyed it very much
I wish you good luck and good health
And please take care of "tu CompaƱero!" and yourself of course
Ernest's Mom