
Re-entry update + invitation

Hello Praying Siblings,

Thank you for your continued support in prayer. I have since returned from Nepal and am still sorting through feelings being back in Canada. My experience re-entering the developed world has been most shocking of all and perhaps I've taken a really fatalistic and cynical view of things I see around me.

My first encounter would have been a night spent in the middle east. My anticipated stay in the airport terminal overnight turned out to be a excessively luxiourious stay in a beautiful hotel staffed by immigrants many of which would have to break from their families to come work here. This stay was complimented by several all you can eat meals all within the span of 9 hours. Which some of it was beyond what I could take in after living in a developing country for the last little while, I took full advantage of the pressurized running water and showered.

This last weekend, I had more time to consider the lavish ways of the west at an amusement park. Many Nepalese long to have another hour of sunlight so that they can work and hopefully glean just a bit more to prolong the imminent effects of malnutrition. And here we are finding ways to amuse (a-not; muse-think) ourselves waiting for hours to take a 5 minute ride locked down in a metal box that will run its course along an abdomenally unfavourable kinematic path planned by some engineer who's job it was to bring about the most terror possible. This area is staffed by 'the future of tomorrow' who are gaining invaluable experience of working in a reputable centre that promotes mindless activities to include on their resumes that will get them that dream job in the future. What is really being taught here?

indeed to some, the 'mind eraser' was the best ride of their lives. To compare and contrast this to the lifestyle of those living in a developing world is unfair, but you simply have to go and immerse yourself in the lives of our fellow human to understand life as they know it.

My hope is not to make you feel sorry for the lives that these people live, but merely to challenge you to consider another way of living (living as God desired). People in the developing world really know the cost of basic necessities like electricity, water, food. They work long and hard in very practical ways to ensure that these basic needs are obtained. ( e.g. waking up periodically throughout the night to check to see if there is water to be pumped into their reserve tank (that is if they are lucky enough to have one). Do we know the cost at which this comes? Do we know the cost of what it means to have life (to the full - John 10:10?)

Let us reconsider each breath that God has given - for this is what we will be held accountable for one day.

Although the tone of this update may be rough, I'm still trying to decipher what I'm to gather and share with those who have asked me to. Please pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit not my own thoughts that God might be glorified through the words and actions of a life redeemed by His Son guided by His Spirit for the Father's glory. soli Deo gloria.


ps: for those interested, Sunday, August 5, 2007. There will be lunch at my place at which time I also hope to informally share with you in much greater details of God's work in Nepal. Please RSVP to me via email.

1300---> whenever you decide to leave.

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