
Worthwhile investment!

So I've been looking into investments recently, here are some numbers to convince you to consider investing in Nepal...

Your chance to sponsor the inaugural neonatal CPAP program in Nepal!

The Facts.
The Situation: Making sense of the numbers.
The Opportunity.

The Facts
All data taken from the World Health Organization (WHO) Statistics 2009 available online @ http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat/2009/en/index.html. Unless otherwise noted, all statistics are from 2007.

Global Health IndicatorCanadaNepalStatistical notes
Mortality and burden of disease
Neonatal mortality (deaths within <=28days)332per 1 000 live births
Infant mortality (deaths within 1yr)543per 1 000 live births
Under 5-mortality655per 1 000 live births
Health service coverage
Antenatal care coverage: at least 1 visitNo data44% 2000-2008
Antenatal care coverage: at least 4 visitNo data29% 2000-2008
Births attended by skilled attendant989% 1990-1999
10019% 2000-2008
Health workforce, infrastructure
Physicians192per 10 000 population
Nurses1015per 10 000 population
Dentists12less than 1per 10 000 population
Other health service providersno data2per 10 000 population
Hospital beds342per 10 000 population
Demographic and Socioeconomic Statistics
Living in urban areas779% in 1990
7913% in 2000
8017% in 2007
population living at less than 1$/dayno data54.72005
Cause-specific mortality and morbidity
Access to improved drinking water sources10.89
Access to improved sanitation10.2745% urban Nepal and 24% in rural Nepal
Health Expenditure
Total expenditure on health105.1 as % of GDP (2006)
Government expenditure on health17.89.2as % total government expenditure (2006)
External resource for health015.7% of total expenditure on health (2006)
Per capita total health expenditure391717in US dollar amount (2006)
Per capita government health expenditure27595in US dollar amount (2006)
Out of pocket expenditure4985.2as % of private expenditure on health (2006)

The Situation: Making sense of the numbers
Considering the statics above and having journeyed there to better understand the situation, it is clear that neonatal and pediatric healthcare in Nepal is severely lacking. Neonatal mortality is a key indicator of child and maternal health according to the WHO. With a neonatal mortality rate of over 10x the national Canadian average it is quite concerning.

Around the globe, neonatal death accounts for ~20% of the <5 year old deaths. Nepal’s statistics suggest that neonatal deaths account for almost 60% of the <5 year old deaths. According to the WHO Nepal mortality fact sheet 2006, prematurity accounts for 20% of neonatal deaths.

Within the last 2 decades, Nepalis have been relocating to urban centres at a rate of greater than 4% per decade. As urbanization occurs, clean water, improved sanitation and education becomes more accessible to the general public. The capacity of healthcare facilities is feeling the strains now with the increased number of patients. With only 2 hospital beds per 10 000 persons in the country, that is 17x less than what is available in Canada. There is also a need for doctors as only 2 doctors are present per 10 000 people. Within Nepal there exists only one government pediatric hospital (Kanti Bal Aspital). A second private hospital just opened last year (International Friendship Childrens’ Hospital – http://www.ifch.com.np/) effectively doubling the number of PICU/NICU beds in the country overnight.

The Opportunity
There is a unique opportunity for your organization to help out this promising hospital with necessary equipment for them to provide essential services to a population in dire need. Your equipment will be managed by Bringing About Better Understanding (BABU), a Canadian charity dedicated to improving the level of child healthcare in Nepal. Additionally, any donations made out to us will be able to go a long way given the purchasing power parity (PPP) of your donation.

Thank you for your interest in helping out. If you have any questions, comments, queries or advice. Please feel free to contact me @ Eric@ideas2implementations.org. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Peace.

Abstract: http://www.ideas2implementations.org/nCPAP.doc
General letter: http://www.ideas2implementations.org/Nepal.doc

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