
start of a new day

So, up this morning by 0630 by the daily contemporary music of performance of chaos by dogs, roosters, chicken, construction and anyone else who wants to contribute. I usually do contribute with a toot or two.

Breakfast consists of bread and deep fried shrimp chips. Very basic foods here lacking nutritional value.

Walk out and find my safa tempo (electric three wheeled vehicle with a small front cab that fits 3 then 2 benches that fit a snug 10. The thing is, vehicles here look SO banged up rust everywhere. I realized that regardless of how well ppl dress, they are bound to get dirty. So everything looks dusty. Anyway, things are as per normal rubbing up against the damp bodies around me. Then the tempo suddenly stops, the driver was taking a call on her cell. This is quite interesting cause we just implemented a law in Canada banning cell phoens and driving. I should have congratulated her. But yesterday I saw some guy dialing and talking on a motorbike, mad skills that i'd like to master some day...

Finally get off and pay the driver for my trip up, only to receive some very damp change. i don't even want to know what that paper is soaked in. Sweat? urine? i wouldn't be surprised by any of it. holding it by the corners i'm not sure whether to just throw it out (and for me to throw out change it's gotta really bad) or not. I get to the pharmacy to buy some more metronidazole and to my surpirse is it's exactly 10NPRs, my change for 10 tablets. The trees have just been trimmed and in the process half the electrical wires have also come down with it. ke garne? what to do...

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