

It's time once again. I'm so excited to be able to return to Nepal. It's more of a necessity in that being there last time really just tore my heart open. It was the first time I was in a developing country and saw the injustices and shear lack of common knowledge getting people into lots of trouble - much of which involved unbearable pain and even death.

So I've wrestled with what type of world I live in in North America, where I can learn about the troubles of the world, but yet still be very removed from it. After meeting some rural families in Nepal, I realized the futility of the lavish North American life and learned about the simplicity and beauty life offers just on it's own lived in harmony with the people around you. I vowed to go back and discover more about this way of life and also to contribute some of the things I picked up in school and living in Canada. I love Canada!

So the struggle begins, to get time off here and return. People think I'm mad, but to me there is something mysteriously revitalizing about hanging out with people and simply enjoying each others company. I was challenged by this in a sermon. To value people and use money rather than using people and valuing money.

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