

OK. finally getting bck now. it's been an insane weekend and perhaps even crazier in terms of digesting experiences.

Kanti Children's Hospital is severely understaffed and ill-equipped. But with what they have they run a pretty good place. Today was interesting starting with the doctors report at 0930. A review of the last 24hrs happens at 0930 each morning. Doctors present new cases and consultants and other doctors give input. It is quite sad when mortalities are shared. Anyway, we followed a consultant for rounds in Nepali/English. Then shadowed a willing Dr. BP as he did a bone marrow extraction. It's seriously painful to see how doctors work in these conditions. Words can't do it justice.

I did a short presentation at the professional development seminar that they have Tuesdays on the handheld spirometry unit. In a hospital where blood pressure cuffs and pulse-oximeters are scarce, it was a real treat to see a spirometer. We were able to use it on an asthma patient in the PICU when the other peak flow metre did not work. Sad to report, but digital monitors do have their advantage in being able to record peak flows lower than 1L/s. Not sure how accurate they are.

More on the history and situation at Kanti here: http://www.kantihospital.org.np/

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