

Maleku: Highway Community Hospital

This place is really soemthing. There's 1 qualified doctor and one paramedic who ends up doing most of the work and a couple of sisters (nurses), then cleaning staff, x-ray operator and other helpers dispensing pharmaceuticals and registering patients. But this place is seriously in utter chaos whenever a case comes in. Everyone crowds into the emergency room (ER) whenever anything happens. During that afternoon/evening we saw a driver of a small car who got hit by a truck, a school girl hit by a taxi and another group of 3 girls hit by a motorcycle. The type of treatment they get here is brutal too, there's no such thing as space for the patient. There's either a crowd of people hovering around them or no one there. Halfway through suturing the first patient they ran out of small sutures and had to use large sutures on several facial lacerations. Then when the little girl came in, they also had to use the large sutures. This hospital is well funded by the Italians who came and set it up, but poor (or dare I say corrupt) administration. The management rep was super kind to us on arrival and then this morning sat down very officially, then pulled out a sheet of paper with 3 pionts written in Nepali. Then proceeded with his speech. (translated to us by the doctor)

1. how would you like to support us?
2. for how long?
3. what do you want from us?
[applause here]

This was the shortest most selfish speech I've ever been given. He followed up our stunned looks with "this hospital provides services to the community free of charge and to accident victims." Thanks we read that on the sign, but too bad, you don't have the essential supplies. They must have the money, but poor management makes this a nightmare for the hospital workers. These people are all really nice and good people, but the administration is seriously abusing them. They are underpaid, overworked and unappreciated. Our stay there was extremely good. The Nepali people are so hospitable. It was so sad to leave them. Anywyas, hope to email the organization that started up this hospital and hope they'll knock some sense into this money hungry adminstration. All the staff at the hospital came to the end of the road to see us off. They helped us flag down another crazy bus and bargain a good price - all the while they were trying to convince us to stay for just one more day. Our contributions were nill, but perhaps people just need people to hear them out. You can pray for people working for the well-being of our fellow human in crude conditions. How are you to witness to these people?

listenign to horrible attempt at red hot chilly peppers (Mike you would NOT be impressed) in a mosquito infested cafe.

must go now. please pray for continual sensitivity to God during this time of often not knowing what to do/say.

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