

met up with the 2nd in command at the traffic police office again today and gave him a presentation on study that i did when i first arrived. he also shared that ktm has emmission testing, but ppl use different fuel when they come in so it always passes. but hen they get back ont ehr oad they use bad stuff that is from the pumps and spot checks fail at rate of over 80%.. ke garne...

Dilemmas:So I ran into my friend at the money exchange yesterday and kind of promised him I'd meet with him Saturday morning at 0900. He's been witnessed to by some JWs. I'm not sure what to think, but that this kid who has been schooled in a Christian school has been turned aside by this teaching. what to do? skip church to talk with him?

As well, I taught sunday school last week. it was interesting, really rudimentary - read out of this book that essentially does a word search on a topic and reads a random selection of verses from there. there's no method to the teaching here. i scraped it and did a parable. not sure what to do this week, b/c not sure if will get there in time..

Going to Gorkha tomorrow - home of the Gorkha warriors and the famous Gorkha knife.

Ernest and i will be ditching the bus at Maleku to stay for 2 days at the Highway Community Hospital - a hospital set up by some italians after a photographer died there. it services a 70km radius. it's a nice, but quite place, but i imagine they see a lot of really bad traumas when it rains.

Today was crazy too. photo guy took so long that i just got fed up and left to go to hospital. then the tempo didn't stop cause it was too full. i got so sick of the retarded (literally retarded traffic) that i ran to the hosptial and beat the next tempo up. so felt pretty good. anyway, did round with our favourite Dr. Shakya and learned more about the ridiculousness at kanti.

In the burn ward, we dug up an autoclave machine that was donated a hile ago but never used, because ppl didn't know how to plug it in. there was a different plug, so we went a bought a plug for 40Rs and plugged it in. now we'll have distilled water and an autoclave for the burn unit in addtiion to the topical lidocaine spray that Ernest insisted that we get. I can see that the physicians feel much better about changing dressings and the kids are also much better - not literally screaming their heads off. there was this one kid today who kept on pointing at various viles of stuff in the dressing room and saying not to use that, that, that that, at the top of his lungs. after the lidocaine kicked in, he was quite calm and your could tell that the healthcare workers were enjoying their work so much more.

we also bargained for a fridge and got one for 9500Rs. took a cab and got it back to the hosptial where they can now store medication at proper temperatures. They had diazepam hanging out on a normal shelf - the package clearly says cool dry place - not to store at temperatures above 25C. Needless, to say they were really happy.

anyay, off to meet the SGP grp for the last time, gotta go. Peace be with you all. please continue to pray that- i keep focused on JC - Author perfector of faith and Hope.- that be evident in relating w/ host family issues- also to be continual encoruagement to ppl around me. Ernesto (as much as he's an encouragement to me) and Dr. Shakya, our tavaresh. hehehe. funny guy..

WATER! in abundance! now that it's in abundance, causes of cholera will also come in. but no more limited showers or not washing cloths for long time! it's weird how things flip so fast. but monsoon also means a lot of rain at times when you dont want it. more on this later...

adios! miss you all! thanks for the emails and replies!!!

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