
a day in a life.... and for some the last....

Here at the hospital, the PICU continues to be constantly overflowing.
The doc's day started here at 0630 (after leaving the hospital well after 2100 last night) with a surgery then a constant flow of patients streaming in through the doors. Everyone from the underprivileged pt who only has the shirt on their back and hope that this thing called a 'hospital' can make things better for their child to the carefree diplomat.
everythign is a lack.
Power outages: Are a dime a dozen in this place. It's as if this place is gets a shot of adenosine at random intervals. Lights, computers and all electrical equipment gets momentarily suspended... the generator kicks in but ppl don't know to reset all the electrical things like the AC.
A child comes in reporting that a surgical consultation at the only Internationally recognized hospital in Nepal was 12,000NPRs. They were promptly turned off and checked in at another hospital that charged only 50,000NPRs for the consultation, surgery, recovery and entire hospital stay. It's brutal times for healthcare in this country.
Note: a good salary in this country is 5,000NPRs/month.
Mechancial ventilation 3,000NPR per day at the government hospital
mech. venitlation 10,000NPR per day at private hospital
Congenital Heart defect sx free.  up to 14yrs, but the problem is qualifying them for Sx. recurrent infect'ns prevent them from being candidates.
another ER case turns into a disaster as i learn of what standard protocol in a country where wppl dn't know better is. due to the lack of resources and knowledge certain procedures are left not even sure what i'm to write. you'll just have to come and see for yourself. i'm just appalled at the situation. doesn't make sense at all the things you see here.. today was quite depressing, see that body.
but i guess situation was bound to come since a diagnosis was made in utero already, but due to non-compliance with medications, lack of knowledge, lack of facilities, this child dies. perhaps death isn't as bad as the process of death...
should i be telling their entire stories or are these stories best left untold? perhaps i liiked things better not knowing what can be done or what's going on
don'tknow what to think/do... but it guess that's wat keeps you going...
somewhat depressed tryign to find hope.
i have a presentation to make at the Nepal Pediatric Conference in 4days. . You can pray for good content and clarity. Theme is social determinants of neonatal health. please feel free to fire me any thoughts.
it's hard to think after trying to digest what happened today. this country needs help.


sajoy said...

Sounds like a very challenging environ to be in- your post prob points out one of the major determinants- lack of $$ from the patients, or even govt funds, means worse health care for babies.
pray that you'll know how to handle those situations.

jonas.legaspi@gmail.com said...

don't really know what to tell you, friend. saying "it sounds rough" just wouldn't seem to cut it...

one thing i can be fairly certain of though is: hope reigns infinite in those who believe. don't doubt it, you are exactly where you need to be.

cheering you on from abroad,